Ladies Singles – Grand Final

Ladies Singles – Grand Final

Toni Anderson & Colleen Willis have confirmed the date for the Ladies Championship Singles Grand Final. Sunday April the 14th at 9:00AM.

This game just adds to the weekend, already jam packed with goodness, this game is the cherry on top.

Both competitors displaying sheer dominance throughout the tournament, disposing of their opponents with priority – subconsciously eye balling each other for the top spot on the podium.

What really sets these two ladies a part from many others, is when they are not representing our Club in interclub events such as Q Sevens, or vying for a podium finish in Club Championships, they are out and about on the Gold Coast frequenting other clubs and getting in some practice. Both Toni & Colleen are constantly in touch with the green and make an effort to improve on their consistency.

Their exercise to endeavor for progression has most definitely paid off thus far in the 2024 season as they have individually enjoyed success and also achieved a healthy record in team based competition.

Colleen has a fully stocked repertoire which includes a monster drive and Toni also boasts a range of ability. Their strategy is tight but both players differ in play styles which will be evident from the get go.

I don’t mind putting my money on a 25-24 game, but who will win is anyone’s guess. All I know is this is going to be a blast. See you there at 9:00AM on Sunday! Good luck ladies!