At the current time, we have some information regarding the Summer Nines for 2023.
Some information, such as the draw and teams, are open to change before the start date. We will provide full updates as everything becomes fully detailed for the Saturday October 14th start at 8:30am.
Familiarise yourself with the Conditions of Play. The rules are important for general play and scoring as well as numerous other aspects of the competition. I have not yet perused the COP myself, but I imagine there will be some slight changes from last year and every player should be up to date.
View/Download the Summer Nines Conditions of Play for 2023 here:
The Selectors will provide a copy of the COP in all team folders for the competition.
The draw is provisional. McKenzie Park only put in three teams, the draw compensates for four teams from the Highlanders. So at least one of the colours draws will change before the start date.
View/Download the full draw here:
Take note of the “Double Header” weekend for Round 6 & Round 7 – Saturday 18th of November & Sunday the 19th of November.
An incoming change to our Fixtures page; we will be providing access to the full draw for each team once the draw is finalised by the Gold Coast Tweed District.
Here are the current team lists;
POS. | Players | Players | Players |
Skip | John McMahon | Colleen Willis | Ray Collins |
2nd | Tony Price | Josh White | Craig Brown |
Lead | Graeme Geary | Narelle Foster | Gary Cornish |
POS. | Players | Players | Players |
Skip | Andy Wilton | Doug Powell | Wes Holmes |
2nd | Robyn Fullwood | Wayne Hansen | Kyle Asquith |
Lead | Vonnie Melville | Adam Heiler | Neil Agar |
POS. | Players | Players | Players |
Skip | Russel Hewitt | Glenn Ferguson | John Catlow |
2nd | Courtney Wright | Mike Curd | Gary McKay |
Lead | David Spies | Scott Swan | Greg Bissett |
Don’t forget to get into the club during the week and take a look at the main board. Tick your name off if you are available or put a “D” next to it if you are going direct (driving yourself).
Stay up to date on Facebook for any changes!