Pennant Round 1 2024

Pennant Round 1 2024

The weekend began with a great turn out to the Pennant Trials. Lot’s of eager players and more people then we were able to fit on the one green. However, the Selectors did a great job of getting it organised and shuffling people around to see how they meshed with other players. It was a good chance for people to meet people they haven’t before and have a competitive game of bowls with a side of social mixed in.

This afternoon the three Selectors sat down to put together the teams for Round 1. No easy task I bet! Keep in mind, teams change, people go away on holiday, get sick etc etc, so if you aren’t on the list this week, turn up any way and show your support, because these people playing are likely to be your team in the coming weeks as shuffling of players is guaranteed to happen week in and week out.

So without further ado, here are our three teams for Round 1!


Three strong teams to start the Pennant season off. We will wait until the weekend to see how they all perform! But looking at them on paper, the Selectors have done a good job – which was definitely needed as all of the matches are against well established clubs – Broadbeach, Tugun and Tweed Heads who always manage to put together some sturdy teams in all competition.

Good luck everyone! Have a great week and lets start the Pennant season off with some wins!


To make way for upcoming events, the Handicap Singles Semi Finals and Grand Final had to be played one after the other on Sunday.

In the Semis, Neil Agar toppled Larry Bowdler 21-6 whilst Josh White defeated Maurice McCallum 21-16 and set the stage for the Grand FinalNeil Agar VS Josh White.

Neil Agar managed to come out victorious and become our Handicap Singles Champion for 2024 with a decisive win 24-17 spurred on by a strong finish. Neil has been hovering for some time around the QTR Finals & Semi Finals stages and finally takes a seat on the Champions podium which was taken from a very formidable adversary in Josh White who is always creeping around the finals stages too.

Congratulations guys and can’t wait to see how you go in the Handicap Pairs!