One of the largest Annual General Meetings took place yesterday, Sunday the 24th of September. With multiple candidates vying for a position on the Board and the future of our club in the hands of those we intended to vote for, it was little wonder over 150 people turned up.
There needs to be continual, progressive change over the next 12-24 months. Our club is currently in a very healthy position because of the tireless work of multiple members and a very strong Men’s Committee as well as an equally strong Ladies Committee being recently formed.
Although the previous Board has achieved some great feats, the members chose to elect three new people to available positions.
Here is the 2023-2024 Nerang Community Bowls Club Board Members:
Chairperson: Bob Chessor
Vice Chairperson: Neil Agar
Treasurer: Lyn Montgomery
Secretary: Luchica Muggeridge
Director: Glenn Ferguson
Director: Lea Andriani
Director: Maurice McCallum
General Manager: Steve Condren
We welcome all the new faces to our Community Club Board.
There is a lot of combined experience in the Board line up and it will be very interesting to see the change over the next twelve months. From a bowlers point of view, I would like to see our bowls membership extend to over 200 members with new sponsorship, better promotion of lawn bowls inside the club, more events, bigger prize pools, and a much larger media & marketing campaign.
For the club itself, I look forward to seeing the Bistro get a makeover and I hope this includes a more specific menu with the incorporation of at least one breakfast day. I would love to have eggs benedict before we set off to play at Summer Nines, Max Morris or Q7’s – it would save us stopping at a service station and getting a day old sandwich. And something mentioned during the AGM was replacement of the carpet, something we really would like to happen and that change alone would bring in a much wider range and calibre of players from around the Gold Coast.
Fact of the matter, is that we are in a great position overall to really put our foot on the pedal and move onwards and upwards. To accomplish success, it isn’t just the responsibility of the three Committees, it’s up to each and every one of us to do our best to help our club by doing whatever we can. Even if it is just throwing a few ideas around.
It was sad to see previous Board members vacate their seats, but no doubt they will still be around the club helping out. We thank them for their service and appreciate the effort they put in during their time on the Board.
Stan Capuano powers on with still a large amount of players in the tournament and ready to fight for the title of Stan Capuano Winner 2023.
Mixed Pairs draw is up and all the fixtures can be seen on our Fixtures page. Saturday the 7th of October is the due date for this event to start and there will be some great games to watch as there are some really strong pairs. It is early days, but it is really difficult to try take even a wild guess on who will make it to the final matchup.
See all the fixtures here:
A results page will be put up as soon as we get them in!
Pipers Day is awaiting more teams to nominate. We will be putting up a special post for this event in the next couple of days. The nomination sheet is on the Ladies board outside the bowls office.
We hope everyone had a good weekend and we look forward to seeing you soon. Whether it be inside the club or on the greens this weekend!